Get a Great Drug Lawyer
An experienced drug lawyer can make a huge difference to the outcome of your case.
At Sydney Criminal Lawyers®, we have experience of a wide range of different cases and drug charges, and a great track record of getting positive results.
We can advise you what steps you need to take to ensure the best possible outcome for your drug case, and effectively argue your case in court.
We often get drug cases ‘dropped’ due to illegal searches and other problems in the prosecution case.
In many cases, we can have ‘drug supply’ charges withdrawn on the basis that our clients plead guilty to less-serious ‘drug possession’.
If our clients wish to plead ‘guilty’ to a drug charge, we will do everything possible to protect their freedom and future; including working hard to get ‘section 10 dismissals or conditional release orders‘ (guilty but no criminal record).
We believe that our firm obtains a higher percentage of ‘non conviction orders’ in drug cases than any other law firm.
We also have a high success rate in winning drug trials, and have defended and won many drug cases when our clients were advised by other lawyers that they would lose.
We defended and won Australia’s largest ever drug importation case and have won many dozen other high profile drug trials over many years.
Get the best drug defence team on your side.